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  • Originally posted by Branden_Lucero View Post
    gonna do Uncharted 2 on Crushing. some have stated that it was easier than Uncharted 1. hope its true, cause Crushing on Uncharted 1 was a bitch and a half.
    Yeah its alot easier than UC1. The soldiers dont have super aim and since the controls are better its easier to kill them as well.


    • Started playing "Ju-on: The Grudge". There's a total of 5 scenarios, which are insanely short. I haven't been able to unlock the 5th scenario, which is supposed to be the house featured in all of the films....and it's a real pain in the ass trying to find all the hidden items when the character walks slower than a friggin zombie.........and it's funny how it's called a "Haunted House Simulator" when the only haunted house featured in the game is not even playable until you unlock it.

      If you haven't seen the films, you really won't understand the story behind the game, so I would highly recommend renting it before buying it.


      • Currently playing nightshade and samurai warriors 2 Empires on Ps2


        • I have already spent around 40 hours on Dragon Age alone. Finishing the game already with my main character, I've gone back before the final part where there's no point in return and just doing all remaining side quests and getting my two remaining team members their best Armour. Having a blast on the quests I've missed already. Can't wait for the two year's down-loadable content.


          • I've gone back to Oblivion while I wait for Modern Warfare 2.
            Hopefully it arrives Monday


            • Playing Sly 2: Band of Thieves. Ah, I love this series.


              • got all trophies in Uncharted 2. screw the online part, i ain't waste my life with that.

                and now i'm bored.
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                • Replaying Ghostbusters: The Videogame on Professional, most of the game is really easy, but the AI is plain stupid.

                  "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                  • Originally posted by zomBD View Post
                    Replaying Ghostbusters: The Videogame on Professional, most of the game is really easy, but the AI is plain stupid.
                    I don't even want to imagine what the part with the baby angel statues is like on Professional.


                    • In what will be dubbed zombie week (11-15-09 to 11-22-09):

                      I will be playing: House of the Dead Overkill and Dead Rising Chop Till You Drop until Tuesday, then Darkside Chronicles through Friday, and Left 4 Dead 2 to fill out the week.
                      A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                      • Killzone 2 for the last damn time.


                        • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                          I don't even want to imagine what the part with the baby angel statues is like on Professional.
                          BINGO! That was a pain in the ass... I played that scene like 25 times to be able to finish it. But now I got my beautiful achievement and I'm happy

                          "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                          • Finished Dragon Age: Origins with Human Warrior/Noble, amazing game can't wait to replay it with another character.


                            • ive been addicted to dragon age origins! easily my best game of the year! the story and detail to characters are amazing. The game is also incredibly long, so far ive put in about 40 to 50 hours and ive only just got to the final boss with only 5 side quests completed! i cant wait to finish the game to see the conclusion as theres so many things that can happen in the end


                              • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                                Finished Dragon Age: Origins with Human Warrior/Noble, amazing game can't wait to replay it with another character.
                                You made a fine choice for your character.

