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  • I feel like a 'wrong' female somehow. xD People have told me because I don't like things like The Notebook and Twilight(SHIT), that I have no sense or taste of true romance.

    I'm sorry, but I wouldn't be able to stand a guy worshipping me noon and night. XD Acting like an emotional sap just to get in my pants and such. Acting like he'd die if I died. It's creepy.

    Maybe I just like more classic takes on romance. Rebecca is a favorite book of mine, with a good movie adaptation. I guess I prefer guys that are to the point, and can have a soft side at times, but actually have balls too. Sense of humor is a must. ><

    What does everyone else think? Modern romance chick flicks vs the older, classic romances?


    • Originally posted by Inferno04 View Post
      What does everyone else think? Modern romance chick flicks vs the older, classic romances?
      Older romances are superior. Twilight can't compete with classic films like Casablanca or Gone With The Wind.
      Last edited by aris13; 08-23-2009, 02:56 PM.


      • Everything I hear about Twilight makes me skin try to crawl away into a shadow, where it can't sparkle. I admit, I haven't read the movie or seen the book...wait a second...ah, hell, you know what I mean. But as I understand the main vampire guy is positively perfect in every way. Noble, honest, super awesome vampire with the power to brood. Also, run fast. He's so awesome, infact, that telling the girl what to do, who to see, when to lie to her parents, who she should be friends with...all not signs of a over posseive wife beater but of a superman lover!

        And the girl is apparently completely useless for anything other than swooning at her undead loverboy and thinking constantly how lucky she is to have him make all her decisions for her. And being friends with a werewolf...that decides it's soulmate is her infant daughter. Not at all wierd or creepy.

        When it comes on TV my friends and I plan to gather, in a Mocking Party, and abuse the shit out of this film.


        • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
          Everything I hear about Twilight makes me skin try to crawl away into a shadow, where it can't sparkle. I admit, I haven't read the movie or seen the book...wait a second...ah, hell, you know what I mean. But as I understand the main vampire guy is positively perfect in every way. Noble, honest, super awesome vampire with the power to brood. Also, run fast. He's so awesome, infact, that telling the girl what to do, who to see, when to lie to her parents, who she should be friends with...all not signs of a over posseive wife beater but of a superman lover!

          And the girl is apparently completely useless for anything other than swooning at her undead loverboy and thinking constantly how lucky she is to have him make all her decisions for her. And being friends with a werewolf...that decides it's soulmate is her infant daughter. Not at all wierd or creepy.

          When it comes on TV my friends and I plan to gather, in a Mocking Party, and abuse the shit out of this film.
          You've pretty much covered everything about that shithole series.

          I will never understand how some guy so blatantly abusive, is worshipped by so many stupid girls. Oh yeah, because SMeyer says he's hot. Never really describes in detail what he looks like besides marble sparkly skin, just how magnificent he is.

          Jacob was a decent character until SMeyer gave him Mary Sue syndrome and he became obsessed with Bella-Sue. NO WAIT. Apparently all along he was in love with her baby, which was completely unfertilized or existing...EH?

          And Bella has a perfect, and should be impossible, Alien-esque birth, but she perfectly becomes a vampire, perfectly heals, and perfectly has no bloodlust and is in perfect control. Her daughter is a perfectly beautiful toddler who is perfectly super genius who will age to the perfect age of 17, then perfectly stop and they'll all live in happily perfect fucking forever because everyone decides perfectly to just talk and not to fight.

          I need to vomit now. And that's just Breaking Dawn.

          At this point I'm sick of hearing about it, it makes me ILL. ><

          Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, THAT is timeless. <3


          • Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
            Lol, I find it funny that the director of The Notebook, Nick Cassavetes, is the son of the indie filmmaker John Cassavetes. Two distinct styles and obviously one more mainstream than the other.

            Originally posted by Inferno04 View Post
            I feel like a 'wrong' female somehow. xD People have told me because I don't like things like The Notebook and Twilight(SHIT), that I have no sense or taste of true romance.

            I'm sorry, but I wouldn't be able to stand a guy worshipping me noon and night. XD Acting like an emotional sap just to get in my pants and such. Acting like he'd die if I died. It's creepy.

            Maybe I just like more classic takes on romance. Rebecca is a favorite book of mine, with a good movie adaptation. I guess I prefer guys that are to the point, and can have a soft side at times, but actually have balls too. Sense of humor is a must. ><

            What does everyone else think? Modern romance chick flicks vs the older, classic romances?
            I could probably at least tolerate an older, more stylized romance (what we refer some to as classics). Yes, I think I could watch and sit through it. Maybe even enjoy it a little.

            Twilight a romance? Don't make me laugh. It's just a sham to loot all those gullible little female kiddies of their cash. And it worked damn well.

            The book itself is ridiculous boring. My friend told me to start reading it, just to see what it's like, so I did.

            I got through 20 pages surprisingly. I gave up after that. I had already got bored of the story.

            Whoever is telling you that is probably around my age or younger, because I couldn't hear something like that coming out of a more older person at all.

            Oh, and now they're going to put on a bunch if spin off shows that will probably die in their first seasons from low ratings.

            In the end, the older romances definitely win. Those directors actually put effort into those movies.

            Here's what the producers of Twilight thought of, on the contrary:

            Twilight+gullible pre-teenage and early teenage girl=$$$

            Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
            Everything I hear about Twilight makes me skin try to crawl away into a shadow, where it can't sparkle. I admit, I haven't read the movie or seen the book...wait a second...ah, hell, you know what I mean. But as I understand the main vampire guy is positively perfect in every way. Noble, honest, super awesome vampire with the power to brood. Also, run fast. He's so awesome, infact, that telling the girl what to do, who to see, when to lie to her parents, who she should be friends with...all not signs of a over posseive wife beater but of a superman lover!

            And the girl is apparently completely useless for anything other than swooning at her undead loverboy and thinking constantly how lucky she is to have him make all her decisions for her. And being friends with a werewolf...that decides it's soulmate is her infant daughter. Not at all wierd or creepy.
            I also found the story very strange, unrealistic (in the sense that it doesn't even make sense), and now that I think about it, showed a man with the characteristics of a over possessive boyfriend who makes almost every decision for her.

            Isn't that nice.

            Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
            it comes on TV my friends and I plan to gather, in a Mocking Party, and abuse the shit out of this film.

            Will you be drinking? I'm not of age to do so, if you don't mind me flying over there.

            I'll pay for any expenses I ring up, if any...somehow...


            • A friend of mine created Twilight Abridged, and I think he was the one who made up the drinking game: Take a shot every time Bella bitches about something.

              That's the book though. We still have her bitchy monologues in the movie, just less. If you're doing it during the movie, I'd say: Take a shot everytime somebody is trying to look serous and deep, but really only looks like they forgot their place on the script.

              I'm under 21 so I had to do it with some other drink. I used water. Needless to say I had a few dozen bottles worth...


              • You should use this Mexican soda that tastes like wine and is carbonated...

                That would work.


                • Originally posted by WeskerIncarnate View Post
                  You should use this Mexican soda that tastes like wine and is carbonated...

                  That would work.
                  Mexican soda is so good. >< There's a wine flavor of it? Oo


                  • Originally posted by Inferno04 View Post
                    Mexican soda is so good. >< There's a wine flavor of it? Oo

                    Yeah, I'm Mexican...cough.
                    Last edited by WeskerIncarnate; 08-23-2009, 05:48 PM.


                    • Originally posted by WeskerIncarnate View Post
                      Awesome, thanks. xD


                      • No problem.


                        • The Twilight movie is *awesome*, because it breeds pictures like this one-


                          and this one



                          • ^MoS

                            Those pics are hilarious. I don't know much about the "Twilight" (Toilet?) series, other than what I see plastered all over magazines at the grocery checkout, but I am sure it sucks (pun intended) ass.


                            • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                              The Twilight movie is *awesome*, because it breeds pictures like this one-


                              and this one


                              ahah nice finds i like this one


                              • ^Also awesome, though I have no idea what is supposed to actually be happening there.

                                I do have to put up with my 15-year-old cousin constantly talking about that dude, Edward (or as I call him, "Ednerd") Patterson. She has a crush on him like every other teenager that will wonder what the hell they were thinking in 5 years.

