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  • Dracarys
    AvP2 is like some teen drama show that suddenly has aliens in it. All the crap with the guy getting bullied by the jocks but the jocks girlfriend likes him and they sneak off together for a swim etc etc...WTF? AvP: 90210

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  • TheBatMan
    Yeah, surprised they got away with that really.

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  • [STARS]TyranT
    The AVP movies are absolutely tragically awful. I'm not really at all squimish or bothered by violence, but I found to the Predalien mouth raping the pregnant woman and then aliens bursting from her stomach to be one of the most tasteless and awful things I've ever seen from a mainstream blockbuster type movie.

    Fucking awful.

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  • TheBatMan
    I started my Alien marathon last night from shittiest to greatest beginning with the non-canon entries AVP and AVPR. Not seen either for a few years and dear god what tragically bad films these are. I still cannot forgive just how bad the Preds look in the Anderson's film, even their dreadlocks are obviously made of rubber. Giving them growling lion sounds and changing the vision modes and getting rid of the iconic double heartbeat is just heinous.
    The premise itself is quite good, though there is absolutely no need for it to be set on present day Earth. It should have been a jungle planet sometime in the future like the AVP game from a couple of years ago.
    The sequel is just as bad although the Predator itself is much better this time round. But Aliens running round on present day earth just feels so wrong its almost laughable.

    Onto Alien Resurrection next... dear God.

    Roll on Prometheus.

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  • Mr. Spencer
    Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
    I had heard so many great things about blade runner so i finally gave the movie a shot .. but come on its so freaking boring.. the acting isent anything to yell hurray for the music is so crappy the story is nothing special either there is 10 versions of the movie all of them is just as shitty
    so yeah i hated that movie and i really gave it a shot after all the great things i heard about it but in the end its just a slow ass boring movie that are way overrated.
    Just when I thought you couldn't be any more of a roid raging simpleton with nothing of any merit to ever contribute to this forum, you go and surprise me yet again. I don't have any issue with people disagreeing, but the way you worded that just made you sound like exactly what I've always considered you to be - a brainless, useless humanoid shape that routinely mashes his club-like hand into the keyboard to churn out nonsense. Yet again you trundle in to a topic you know nothing about and post your asinine opinion on something. Based on what you've written, it's a safe bet to assume that you don't know a single thing about Blade Runner or Alien. Don't get me wrong, I've seen a lot of people criticise Blade Runner (or any film for that matter) but they do so in a way that makes sense. I can understand their reasoning and why they might feel that way about the film. But to turn up and fist a baseless opinion like that? It borders on trolling to be honest. No-one can be THAT retarded.

    Many times now I've given you the benefit of the doubt. Oh, English isn't his first language. Oh, he's just screwing around. But nope, you actually ARE a braindead troglodyte. What you stated in your post was not an opinion, it was just retardation. Which constitutes about 90% of your posts on this forum. Makes me wonder why you're even here. Also, saying "there's ten versions of the movie" proves how inaccurate and unfounded your entire opinion is. You can't even get the most basic of facts right and so your arguement falls flat. There's actually four different releases, five if you want to include the Workprint. I can completely understand if someone was to say they thought the movie was pretentious, yes I can see where they're coming from. But bad acting? Really? Bad acting? Now it sounds like you're just fishing for attention or controversy, or again most likely just trolling. Which leads me back to my earlier point, why are you even here?

    But I digress. Bad acting? Harrison Ford was at the peak of his acting career in the 1980s - look at Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, etc. Crappy music? Vangelis is an exceptional composer of synth scores, just listen to the theme for Chariots of Fire. I've debated BR with many people, even discussed it with those who did not enjoy the movie. Yet their opinions had good, solid reasoning behind them. I could see exactly where they were coming from and even actually AGREED with them on a couple of points. Shame you failed to do the same. Not like any of us here are surprised.

    Also, marked myself down for an infraction for this post. So you don't have to!

    Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 05-13-2012, 08:18 AM.

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  • [STARS]TyranT
    If you ever manage to see the Directors Cut of Alien, Sir Ridley did actually trim many of the lengthier sequences down, and make the film punchier and considerably quicker paced.

    And absolutely ruins all the tension building, I appreciate not a great deal happens within the first hour, and it is very slow, but it's all building the tension to the point where it becomes almost unbearable then smacks you in the face with the reveal. The film doesn't really work without that build up, as the Directors Cut proves. It's well worth watching for the comparison.

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  • Wrathborne
    Mysteries are often slow in the first half of the story though, its a structure.

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  • Dracarys
    On repeat watches I must admit the first chunk of Alien is unnecessarily slow.

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  • rehunk88
    I will enjoy promethues alot i never said i hated alien i just said it was abit slow ( if i said i hated alien 1 ) then that was a mistake.
    Last edited by rehunk88; 05-12-2012, 04:51 PM.

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  • [STARS]TyranT
    Jesus fucking Christ. In two pages i've just seen both Alien and Balde Runner called boring.

    I need to lie down.

    To be honest, I can't see you enjoying Prometheus all that much either rehunk, it'll be similarly paced, with probably not a great deal of action within the first hour or so, anyone who knows Sir Ridley knows he always starts slow, with perhaps exception of Gladiator.

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  • rehunk88
    I got the right to share my opinion Its not my problem if you dont agree

    But anyway back to promethues...

    I really hope it does good at the box office so we can get a 2 movie an im very happy its R rated.

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  • Darkmoon
    Alright, back on topic guys.

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  • Wrathborne
    Your opinion is tears in the rain.

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  • Dark_Chris
    Than I suggest you use private chat or PM's next time, cuz this is public forum.

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  • rehunk88
    Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
    GTFO, seriously just GTFO!!!
    I wasent speaking to you.

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