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Resident Evil HD Revival New screens and vids

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  • Cool, think I'll hold out then. I wasn't impressed with RE4's reviews to be honest, but CVX seems to have got slightly better treatment which I'm happy about, so I will buy.


    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
      Cool, think I'll hold out then. I wasn't impressed with RE4's reviews to be honest, but CVX seems to have got slightly better treatment which I'm happy about, so I will buy.
      yeah and if your not sure just google how it looks the CVX and then make up your mind.


      • The reviews seem like a mixed bag over which is better. As long they're better than the PS2 versions then I don't mind paying ten dollars each for them.


        • Originally posted by PlopPlop View Post
          Don't know about 4, but CV is based on the PS2 version!
          Why would they do that? PS2 version was easily the crappest looking.
          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."



            Faint hint of nostalgia. Haven't felt this giddy about RE4 since the Gamecube days.


            • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
              The reviews seem like a mixed bag over which is better. As long they're better than the PS2 versions then I don't mind paying ten dollars each for them.
              who cares about reviews ? its just another persons opinion not your own.


              • Well I generally care about the reviews of friends and people I trust. I don't want to spend hard earned money on something I'm unsure about. I already played RE4 and this would only be added for the days when I want to play on my PS3 rather than hook up the old gamecube again.


                • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                  Well I generally care about the reviews of friends and people I trust. I don't want to spend hard earned money on something I'm unsure about. I already played RE4 and this would only be added for the days when I want to play on my PS3 rather than hook up the old gamecube again.
                  yes but in your post above you dont mention reviews of friends or people you trust so you must mean the normal net reviews.


                  • Not necessarily. I have friends that play the revival set. Even people who are RE fans like cvxfreak whose opinion I take into account. I was thinking about picking that up myself, but on second thought I'm going to opt for the ps+ deal.


                    • So then, probably going to get Resident Evil 4 this week on download. Is there either version that is better than the other or do both run the same on either console?
             The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                      Review and contributor for


                      • I got RE4, it's a pretty clean update. Gotta say the trailers made me think it was going to look sub-par.

                        And finally I get to hear decent audio, not crap PS2 RE4 sounds.


                        • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                          The Alternate PS2 costumes aren't higher resolution and are the PS2 models.
                          Do those costumes appear in cut-scenes or are they replaced by default costumes like in Wii version?


                          • ^Was just about to ask that myself actually. Are the alternate costumes in cutscenes done in real-time or are they all pre-rendered cutscenes?

                            I have a couple of questions, maybe I missed it going through this from scrolling a lot, but you guys are saying that CVX is based off of the PS2 version, but what about RE4? Is it the Wii version?

                            I guess my other question is, what system did you guys get it for? I'm going to assume that they're EXACTLY the same; just a matter of controller preference, huh?


                            • Destructoid review of RE4 HD:


                              • More reviews are coming in... I've noticed that with RE4 the general consensus is that the HD port rules. However, they seem to complain mostly about two things:

                                1. The audio
                                2. The controls

                                About the audio.... from watching several videos on youtube (in 'HD') I had noticed that the audio from the sound effects was kinda lousy. I'm not talking about the BG music but the sounds coming from the Ganados, the explosions and other sound effects. They didn't come out too clear and I suspect that maybe they were compressed to save space on your console's HDD. Reviewers seem to think the audio sounds that way because its a relatively 'old' game. Yet listening to the audio from the previous version that I have, the sounds don't come out compressed at all (except for the PS2 version).

                                The prob with the controls is mostly how they were mapped. I guess that's a hurdle that most could get over with a lil practice.
                                Last edited by Pikminister; 09-20-2011, 03:01 PM.
                                Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.

