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Most Overrated Films and Games.

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  • I don't really find any of Judd Apatows newer movies to be funny. His older ones were good though like 40 year old virgin.

    Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
    Well to be fair I thought AvP was shit because the predators were taken down way too easily. I mean, acid shouldn't be a factor because you're way underground, and you've got advanced weaponry, armor, and intelligence definitely above that of an overgrown predatory/parasitic animal. In my eyes the perfect AvP film would involve predators blasting alien heads off with their shoulder cannons. Some of them would die due to being overtaken by a large number of aliens. Nonetheless, predators would win, and then go on to their ship. AND THEN COMPETENT DIRECTORS COULD MAKE SLOW PACED ALIEN/PREDATOR FILMS AND WE'D ALL BE HAPPY.
    Well yes, I agree, I think a Predator could kill an Alien in a fight. But having a single Predator kill and entire army of Aliens was really stupid and annoying.

    But yes If they had been done at a slower pace, the films would have been much better I think. Making them fast paces just means there action films, and that is bad.

    Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
    Unless people are like my friend who doesn't understand the sheer brilliance in the tension that is present all the way through Alien and simply calls it boring.
    Part of Alien's Brilliance is that it's very slow paced, It's why I love it soo much. There is just so much tension. A thing new movies and really lacking in.

    Originally posted by DarkMemories View Post
    Cosidering that Half-Blood Prince appears to be getting rave reviews, I'm gonna go with that now. Seriously, I find it very hard to believe one can turn the second worst book in the series (Deathly Hallows being the worst) into the best film. It just doesn't happen. You'd have better luck improvising a script as you went along.
    I thought Deathly Hallows was good. Definitely not the worst in the series. Though my favorite is Chamber of Secrets.

    I do agree the Harry Potter films are very overrated, It just they cannot fit the plots of the books into the movies anymore. I liked the Prisoner of Azkaban film and the first two were ok as well. But all the ones after that were horrible.

    Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
    And just to add to that, Alien Resurrection is a good film. I don't care what anybody else says, I think it's a fantastic film actually. Felt more like an Alien film than Alien 3 ever did, and far better than the AvP bastardisations. Sure, the human/alien hybrid was ridiculous but its death still haunts me to this very day, to the point where I can't even watch it, I have to skip to the end. Horrible, horrible demise.

    Plus it had Ron Perlman, and some epic deaths.

    Edit: And my 2000th post was talking about Alien Resurrection.
    I agree. Alien Resurrection is quite and underrated film. The only part that doesn't make sense is how did the Alien queen get in the Ripley clones chest. But I don't care, that movie didn't let plot get in the way. And it was very good anyway. I liked it almost as much as the first two films. Alien 3 was the worst though.


    • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
      Pineapple Express
      I remember two good things about the film.

      1. James Franco
      2. Seth Rogen's hot girlfriend (in the film)


      • I always got the impression that a Predator could take out alot of Aliens. But the Alien's advantage was always in their numbers, and ruthless animal instincts.
        I don't think they should have been even matched at all. And I thought that in AVP having token Aliens like Grid was a pretty dumb idea. I think they all should have been disposable - bar the Queen of course.

        AVP2 I thought was much better. No where near as good as Alien or Aliens, but no where near as bad as AVP1. If only because they seemed to get the balance of power between the species right (in my eyes).
        Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 07-15-2009, 03:44 AM.


        • Killzone series, Gears of War series, Rockband Series, Guitar Hero series.
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          • This isn't exactly overrated either but I'm mentioning it.

            Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

            The game is just so bad, it's terrible. There is more missed potential in that than there was in the RE5 beta. The story is atrocious. The gameplay is a messy chore to play. I love everything Star Wars but this doesn't even qualify to be called Star Wars. It's just so bad.

            I mean the original concept was to play as the dark side for the first time. But in the story, so much effort goes into making your character seem good, like oh he has a harsh background, that's why he is bad. Then even before you get half way through he turns good anyway and becomes another bloody rebel! I wanna work for the empire damnit!

            The characters are terribly done, and terribly rendered as well. No one in it is likable, it all looks badly animated and glitchy too.

            The amount of hype that this game got was so undeserved. It was basically a really really really badly done clone of God of War, with the Star Wars name painted on it and a bad plot attached so they could get sales.

            The gameplay is bad and the voice acting stale and the motion capture robotic it's just unbelievable that this game was even made. It's so bad it's a fluke to make something this terrible.

            The story is as generic as ever as well. The art work is ok. The level design is frustrating at times and boring.

            The only good things is there are a few cool little scenes and some nicely done QTE's and physics effects but that's all really. And this mission inside a giant Sarlacc was interesting as well. But the bad heavily outweighs the good. The concept of this way amazing, so amazing that it would take great skill to be able to mess this up. And yet, they found a way to ruin it all which is really sad.


            • Pineapple Express is amazing. The fight with Red is one of the funniest things I've seen in a film for a long time. It's my cat's birthday today.


              • there is nothing really funny about i said i shouldnt have to be high to think the movie is funny.I cant think of a single funny part in that movie.


                • Dude, we get your point. You didn't think it was funny, you posted about it 5 times. Enough's enough. If someone wants to say they liked it, let them say it. We've gotten your two cents already.


                  • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                    there is nothing really funny about i said i shouldnt have to be high to think the movie is funny.I cant think of a single funny part in that movie.
                    "Opinions opinions, I guess".

                    As for the whole TTS debate, I personally think it's good. Not as good as the original, though some things are better (like the music). It's not horrible, just not as good as the original.

                    Hm... As much as I don't like RE4, I can't really say it's overrated since it did influence the action genre on such a high degree...

                    People have gotten just about everything. XD Oh, wait! Sports games. They're just not fun (in my opinion, of course.) If you want to play sports, go outside and play sports. No need to shell out another $60 each year because the developers added two extra features to the same game from last year.


                    • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                      there is nothing really funny about i said i shouldnt have to be high to think the movie is funny.I cant think of a single funny part in that movie.
                      You don't have to be high. You may require a sense of humor though.


                      • i have a sense of humor i just dont find it good.


                        • Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                          If you want to play sports, go outside and play sports.
                          I HATE when people say this.

                          I love sports. I play them, follow them, watch them. I play the games. "If you wanna play sports, go outside." Oh yeah? Can I go outside and play centerfield at Yankee Stadium? Can I go outside and play net for the Rangers? Can I go outside and catch passes from Brett Favre? No, I can't. And that's why I play sports games.

                          I love the sports themselves, but I love the teams and personalities just as much. It's why I'm trying to go into a career as a sportswriter, and eventually a play-by-play announcer. When I was a kid, I used to mute the TV when games were on and do my own commentary. I love watching sports. I love the fan aspect of sports so much. There's nothing like rooting for your team in the championship game.

                          ...except for playing as your team in the championship game, a.k.a. sports video games.


                          • Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                            Hm... As much as I don't like RE4, I can't really say it's overrated since it did influence the action genre on such a high degree...

                            People have gotten just about everything. XD Oh, wait! Sports games. They're just not fun (in my opinion, of course.) If you want to play sports, go outside and play sports. No need to shell out another $60 each year because the developers added two extra features to the same game from last year.
                            I agree with that. RE4 in itself is an overrated game I think. But it did have a huge influence of games when it came out I must admit.

                            And yes, I find sports games rather pointless too. Playing a game of something you could easily or safely do in real life is kinda stupid I think. Same with reading and watching movies for me as well.

                            Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                            I HATE when people say this.

                            I love sports. I play them, follow them, watch them. I play the games. "If you wanna play sports, go outside." Oh yeah? Can I go outside and play centerfield at Yankee Stadium? Can I go outside and play net for the Rangers? Can I go outside and catch passes from Brett Favre? No, I can't. And that's why I play sports games.
                            Well you know if you pushed yourself and practiced every day. You probably could go play with those people and as that position.


                            • Did anybody mention the Twilight series?

                              My goodness, that book series makes me want to tear out my pubic hair (don't mean to vulgar, but I'm THAT irked about it).

                              My younger female cousins drool over that powder white douche bag Edward Cullen. I didn't think I could resent inanimate objects as much as those books, but they certainly set the record for me.

                              On top of Twilight, definitely Killzone 2. I played it. It had great graphics, but the controls were clunky, and it felt like controlling a mech in a really bad mech game. Slow and clunky. The AI was somewhat intelligent, though. Props to the devs for that.
                              Last edited by WeskerIncarnate; 07-18-2009, 12:20 AM.


                              • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                                Well you know if you pushed yourself and practiced every day. You probably could go play with those people and as that position.
                                Pardon me because I'm pretty damn drunk right now, but this has to be one of the dumbest, most ignorant posts I've ever read.

                                If I pushed myself and practiced every day, I'd play center field for the Yankees? I'd take Melky Cabrera's job? I'd play goal for the Rangers? I'd take Henrik Lundqvist's job? I'd be catching passes from Brett Favre? I'd be a wide receiver in the NFL?

                                I'm sorry that I wasn't bred an athlete from birth, but I love sports for the competition and the entertainment. In order to fill these positions, you would need to dedicate your life to these causes. Growing up, I 'dedicated' my life to academics and friends. I was never the most gifted athlete, but I tried my best.

                                Point're saying that ANYONE could push themselves and practice every day and become the best player at their position in the highest league of their sport? You...sir...are...LOST. It takes a lot more than determination to get where my idols are.

