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  • Wesker don't have all the best melee moves, but he's cobra strike is the best one, it's easy to do as you just have to shot the Majini in the head and it's 100% kill... it's why Wesker is the best character for solo... only in Experimental Facility Tribal Sheva and Battlesuit Jill are better.
    Jill's knee drop is the best for downed enemys, it's 100% kill, not even Wesker Windfall is that powerfull... also, you can easily kill two/three Majinis doing it, you just need to have the right timing.


    • Originally posted by padamibr View Post
      Jill's knee drop is the best for downed enemys, it's 100% kill.
      No its not actually...I knee dropped an enemy the other night and he got right back up and beat me with a stun rod.
      Are you tired, Rebecca?


      • Windfall, Windfall, Windfall.


        • windfall is the best, but knee drop is fun to look at and it kills 98.99% of the time, so really there is no loss


          • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
            No its not actually...I knee dropped an enemy the other night and he got right back up and beat me with a stun rod.
            Well, I have to say that it never failed me... and I played Experimental Facility a LOT... but...


            • Also, I found Jill's melee moves the most fun to watch... he Double Knee Drop is amazing... her Reverse Roundhouse and Head Grab are also outstanding...


              • what is the best character for ship deck padamir?


                • Originally posted by TyrackT71 View Post
                  what is the best character for ship deck padamir?
                  I would say Wesker Midnight... he's the best for most of the maps, you can easily put up a melee move just by shooting Majinis in the head and he's Magnum will do shot work of any Plaga that appears and bosses.


                  • Originally posted by padamibr View Post
                    I would say Wesker Midnight... he's the best for most of the maps, you can easily put up a melee move just by shooting Majinis in the head and he's Magnum will do shot work of any Plaga that appears and bosses.
                    but when the two chainsaw dudes come out, i just run out of ammo for handcannon


                    • Originally posted by TyrackT71 View Post
                      but when the two chainsaw dudes come out, i just run out of ammo for handcannon
                      Protip: Rocket launchers.
                      Are you tired, Rebecca?


                      • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                        Protip: Rocket launchers.
                        lol i guess i called that


                        • Yep, get those Rocket Launchers, the Chaisaw Majinis will come in duos, with you shot you can kill both, however, one will get up again, but it's easy to put him to rest for good.


                          • The rocket launchers are key. If you save each one of the three for a pair of chainsaw boys, you'll rack up points like a motha-lova.


                            • There is also a granade laucher with Flame rounds, I don't find it very usefull though, as I really don't know how to use flame rounds/granade in a effect way... I don't know if Majinis will start dropping another kind of ammo for it, but likely they will.


                              • thanks for all the tips guys i got 67,310 with tribal sheva on ship deck

